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Each team must be registered and paid for prior to the commencement of a season.

A paid registration acknowledges that you are solely responsible for anything that happens to you during competition.


The Competition Manager will determine fixtures for the season, and reserves the right to make changes (forfeits, game times, reschedules etc) up until midnight Monday of that game week.

The Competition Manager will endeavour to provide an even spread of games and take into consideration any time requests prior to creation of fixtures.

The league is full of busy people and acknowledges that time concessions are sometimes the only way some people can start or remain playing.
EG: Nights or certain timeslots for Catechism & Bible Club will be catered to, if possible. While Church home visits, School or Work meetings are things we try work with as well.

Fixtures will be available online and on the SportFix app.


3. RESCHEDULES - Men's Leagues ** as of Winter 2024, reschedules are not an option

A team can request 1 reschedule per season.

Rescheduled games must be requested a week in advance, in which case the competition manager will endeavour to find a date and time to play the match that suits both teams.

Reschedules should be a last resort, you can play your match with 2 registered players and make up numbers as pointed out in point 5.



Score sheets are premade by the Competition Manager with the names of all registered players.

Depending on the season: Goals, Assists and the referee’s Best and Fairest 3-2-1 votes are recorded on them.

The Golden Glove is awarded to the team with the least goals conceded over a season.


5. PLAYERS & FILLINS - Men's Leagues

In the case where a team wins division 2 and wishes to 'see how they'd go' in Division 1, they may, if they wish, enter both competitions for 1 season and that season only.
The team entering Division 2 for that season must only contain players from their previous div 2 season (new players boosting your div 1 side may not join).

Division 1 Players are not perm
itted to fill-in for teams in either division.

As a general rule; division 2 teams may have up to two registered division 1 players on their team, anything outside of this must be run past the competition manager and he will decide what and what not to allow in any given season. - Division 1 Goal keepers playing ON FIELD are not included in the '2'.

Teams/Clubs that enter into both divisions - the above rule applies, but the '2' allowed players may differ from game to game if necessary.

Division 2 players can fill in for either division, granted they aren’t also playing division 1. This rule doesn't apply if they are a Division 1 Keeper.

Once a player 'fills in' for a team 5 times, they will be classed as registered for them, and no longer be able to fill in for division 1 OR division 2 teams.

If you choose to use an ‘illegal’ player, you forfeit the game 5 – 0, the game will be played, & stats will still be recorded for all legal players.

The minimum age to join the competition is 15, this is a men’s only competition.

A team must have a minimum of 4 players who are ready to take the court at the commencement of the game; Consequences outlined in point 9. It is up to the referee’s discretion if he wishes to allow any lee way.

A team must consist of a minimum 50% registered players to avoid forfeiting a match, and apply all other rules accordingly with fill-in players.

There is no maximum number of players allowed in a team.


5.a For J-BFL Elite Specific
Clubs entering multiple teams in a division may use players across teams to replace absent players, so long as the competition manager and referees are informed.



All players must remove objects such as watches/jewellery that may be dangerous to other players. Anything necessary for medical reasons are allowed.

Appropriate non-marking footwear must be worn to play. A player may be excluded from playing if they do not have appropriate footwear.

Shin pads are compulsory and must be covered by long socks – if a team has any member not wearing shin pads, the opposing team is given a goal before kick-off, if both teams are missing pads, the game starts 1-1, affecting your Goal Keepers glove stats.

It is requested that teams wear at minimum, shirts that are close in colour. Bibs are available in a range of colours. (Playing tops have since been provided)



Players are responsible for their conduct. Players are expected to participate in accordance with the ethos of fair play.

It is the competition organisers discretion to speak to any regular problem makers. They may be asked to leave or be banned from the competition.

Swearing and cursing is the discretion of competition organisers or referees at the time. It is important to keep the Christian image of the competition forefront.



Prior to the game, the referee is responsible for:

  • Inspecting the condition of the court, balls, and equipment.

  • Decide whether players are wearing close enough uniforms and providing bibs as necessary.

  • Checking players’ equipment.

The referee will start the game on time; and inform the players and apply late penalties as needed.

During the game, the referee is responsible for:

  • Filling in the score sheet.

  • Ensuring that the rules of Futsal are adhered to.

  • Sanctioning misconduct and delays.

  • Educating players on rules.

  • Monitoring the court to ensure a safe playing environment.

After each game, the referee is responsible for:

  • Voting on their 3-2-1 B&F.

  • Reporting any disciplinary or disrespectful issues to competition manager.


Currently we play 32-minute games in division 1 & 2.
Game lengths may vary depending on the size of the league and how many games need to fit into an evening.

Games will consist of a 1-minute break for half time.

The clock will only be stopped for injuries at the referee’s discretion

The clock will begin counting down at the allocated match times regardless of teams being ready to play.

The game will end when the time is up. Only penalties and 10 Meters penalties can be taken after a H/T or F/T whistle.

Division 1 teams are allocated 1 time-out per game, the ball must be out of live play and in your possession to call a time out, anyone on the team can call a timeout, but it is advised to organise yourselves so that your team members are on the same page when it is called.

Accumulative fouls
For both divisions, fouls up to 3 per half are counted, with the 4th foul onwards being rewarded with a 10m penalty kick.

Teams will be informed after their 3rd foul, that their next foul will concede 10m penalty kick.

Keepers are allowed to ‘close down’ to the edge of their D during 10m penalties.

9.a For J-BFL Elite Specific

U9, U11 currently play 30 minute games.
U13 & U15 currently play 32 minute games.


10. LATE ARRIVALS - Men's Leagues

Any team not meeting the minimum 4 player requirement by game start time will incur the following:

  • At kick off: a 1 goal penalty & the game is started.

  • Not 4 players by H/T: The team is forfeited.



Points are awarded as follows:

  • Win- 3 points

  • Draw- 1 point

  • Loss- 0 points

  • Forfeit- 5 nil victory & 3 points to non-forfeiting team, 3 nil in Junior format

  • Both teams forfeiting – the game is void and no points awarded.


12. SUSPENSIONS - Social Leagues

Players issued a ‘yellow card’ are to leave the court for a period of 2 minutes, or until the opposing team scores.

A yellow card is usually something awarded for a cynical foul, or a build-up of poor fouls after being given a warning already.
A goalkeeper handballing or foulin
g someone outside of his area to stop a clear chance of a goal.

Players issued a red card are evicted from the game and automatically suspended for the next game. All red cards are up for review by the Competition Manager and can face a partial or complete suspension.

A Straight red card can result in a 1 or 2 game ban depending in the referee’s report of the incident, and a 2 yellow -> red is penalised with not being able to return to the current game.

Misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • abusive language

  • unsporting conduct

  • undue rough play

  • resistance to obey a reasonable instruction from a referee or Competition Manager

  • striking

  • attempted striking

Competition Management reserves the right to expel or suspend players from the competition.

12.a SUSPENSIONS - J-BFL - Parental Misconduct and processes

For situations that arise from bad parent or player behaviour and misconduct, accounts of incidents from all relative witnesses will be compiled, and the matter will be presented to the competition manager, along with appropriate representatives from the centre wherever the league may be hiring at the time.
They will then meet, and via a tribunal process determine any bans or punishments that are to be handed down. 
The competition manager holds the right to ban players or parents from the league, or troublesome parents from attending games.


13. CUP ROUND - Men's Leagues

During the BFL Cup, no team is allowed players from another team to fill in for them.

Once a team has ‘used a fill-in’ during the Cup, that player is then locked to that team only. If that team proceeds to be knocked out, the player is also knocked out with them.

In the event of a draw at the end of normal time, the game will be decided by a penalty shoot-out of 5 penalties each. (note: up from 3 after recent FIFA rule changes)


14. BFL adaptation of FIFA Futsal Rules

General Rules

Teams are comprised of four outfield players and one goalkeeper.

There is no offside in futsal.

Defenders are to remain 5 meters away from all restarts and free kicks until the kick is taken. (3 meters at kick off)

All restarts, including Kick off must be taken within 4 seconds from the whistle being blown or when a player puts the ball down. If a player takes too long to put the ball down, the referee may start his count at his discretion.

Sliding is allowed in BFL, if it is not done in a dangerous manner. It is up to the referee’s discretion. If a game is getting out of control, expect the rule to be applied strictly.



All substitutions are on the fly, this includes goalkeeping substitutions. Referees must be notified of goalkeeping substitutions.

A substitute may not enter the pitch until the player leaves the pitch, and this must happen in their defensive half. Failure to do this properly, the game is stopped, and a free kick is awarded against the offending team where the ball was situated when whistle was blown.



Kick-offs: A goal may be scored directly from a kick-off. The ball does not need to be played forward first.

Kick-ins are indirect. The kick must be taken within 4 seconds. (A kick-in that goes directly in the opposing goal is a goal clearance for the opposing team. A Kick-in that goes directly in the defensive goal is a corner kick of the opposing team.) If the kick-in does not enter the pitch or if the kick is not taken within 4 seconds, the kick-in is awarded to the opposing team.

Goalkeeper Restarts are taken when the ball wholly crosses the by line. The goalkeeper must use his hands to roll, bounce or throw the ball.

Corner Kicks are direct. The ball must be placed directly on the corner arc and the kick must be taken within 4 seconds. If the kick is not taken within 4 seconds the restart becomes a goal clearance for the opposing team.

Free Kicks may be indirect or direct. The ball must be stationary before the kick may be taken.

Penalty Kicks are taken from the penalty spot and must be taken by a clearly identified kicker. All other players must remain behind the penalty kicker in a line until the ball is kicked.


Fouls and Misconduct

Indirect Free Kicks: 

  • When a player prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball with their hands.

  • Goalkeeper takes more than 4 seconds to release the ball when in possession in his own half.
    If he is involved in a possession chain for a 2nd time without the ball going out of bounds or touching an opponent.

Direct Free Kicks: 

  • When a player kicks an opponent, tackles an opponent, trips an opponent, jumps at an opponent, charges an opponent, strikes an opponent, pushes an opponent, holds an opponent, or handles the ball deliberately.

Yellow Card: The offending player is shown a yellow card, and must leave the court for 2 minutes, or until opposition scores. If a player is shown two yellow cards in a match, he is shown a red card.

Red Card: Same as with above, except that the offending player may not come back on, you can only return to a full compliment if you had a substitute player.


Accumulated Fouls: - Men's Leagues
See point 9.

Penalty Spot: The 1st Marked spot

10m Penalty Spot: The 2nd Marked spot

Advantage: Advantage can be given after a foul, but the foul is still accumulated.


The Goalkeeper

May receive a kick-in directly, with feet.

May score directly with his feet during live play. Not from a restart.

May not possess the ball for more than four seconds in his own half.

May throw the ball directly across the half-way line.

May not score a goal by using the hands (cannot throw or hit the ball directly into the goal)

Cannot touch the ball again in any way within his own half after releasing the ball into play unless an opponent has touched it, or it has gone out of play.

© 2023 Byford Futsal League.

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